august 2010

August Nineteen Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, I am writing this letter just before going to Spain and preaching for a few days. I am grateful to God for the amazing doors He has opened for this preacher over these nearly forty years of preaching His...

July 2010

July Twenty Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, Jesus had fed five thousand and four thousand respectively, and had also warned His disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees. Murmuring among themselves, they had confused bread with beliefs, sustenance with...

June 2010

June Twenty One Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, From Genesis to Revelation, the voice of God is recorded in holy writ and responded to (or disobeyed) by man. God still speaks and by choice, He speaks to man still. If you’re saved you know the timbre and tone...

May 2010

May Twenty-Six Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, A discreet scribe asked our Lord a question concerning the commandments’ priority and importance. Christ’s response covered the pre-eminence of God Almighty and man’s responsibility to love Him unreservedly....

April 2010

April Twenty Six Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, On a recent Sunday morning a young couple came down the aisle during the invitation to be saved. They were a typical American pair, tattoos, and earrings adorned their bodies. The man had the earrings, and the...

March 2010

March Twenty-Five Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, Matthew, Mark, and Luke all insert the startling, yet seemingly insignificant fact that the veil of the Temple was rent in twain at the resurrection of Christ. This incident is not mentioned again and perhaps...

February 2010

February Twenty Six Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, The Lord discussed with Job the “…treasures of the snow.” Our nation, especially the East Coast, must be the richest place on the planet! This global warming “hooey”has really made us wealthy! While I...

January 2010

January Twenty Five Two Thousand Ten Dear Pastor and friends, I don’t believe in my six decades of life that I have ever known a more complicated, conflicted, and crushing time in the lives of many good Christians. Many of my friends and loved ones have suffered and...

November 2009

November Twenty Third Dear Preacher and friends, Earlier this month my son, Jordan and his wife, missionaries to Mexico, heard a knock on their door. A couple was standing there with a story and a $500 gift card to Walmart. Some time ago, a lady in their Texas church...

October 2009

October Twenty One Two Thousand Nine Dear Pastor and friends,          This past week while in a meeting in North Carolina, I read The Shadow of the Almighty by Elizabeth Elliot. Her husband, Jim, and four other missionaries were martyred in the 50’s by Aucan...