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This package deal includes the following books…

  1. Today and Tomorrow
  2. Today and Tomorrow Too
  3. Don’t Burn Your Barrel
  4. He’s Everything He Claims To Be And More!
Tim Green

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Are You Ready?

What is happening? Where did everybody go? Why am I left here? Is there any hope? These questions are some you might be asking if you miss the first phase of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, called THE RAPTURE….

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September 2024

        September 27, 2024     Dear Pastor & friends,   Wow!  This has been an interesting and exhilarating month.  I preached the 40th Anniversary at the Capitol City Baptist Church in Austin, Texas and the attendance was 1,040...

August 2024

    August 23, 2024     Dear Pastor & friends,   Well, another summer is about to morph into falling leaves, cooler temperatures and church folk, hopefully gathering back into a more settled and faithful walk with and worship of our Lord. ...

July 2024

    July 30, 2024     Dear Pastor & friends,   The work of God is such a monumental task that I sometimes wonder why the Lord left it up to mere man.  Angels would be more holy, lions would be more intimidating, swans would be more...

June 2024

  June 21, 2024   Dear Pastor & friends,   I just got home from preaching in two meetings in two churches in Georgia and Tennessee border towns.  One blessed event was the surrender of a young couple to go to Laos as missionaries.  The wife is...

May 2024

    May 29, 2024   Dear Pastor & friends,   It is an interesting life on the ‘revival trail’ for over 48 years.  I have seen some real services, where it seemed the Lord’s presence was evident and exceeding in blessing the entire environment. ...

April 2024

  April 26, 2024     Dear Pastor & friends,   Well, another busy month is nearly behind me, I am closing out the days in Stanwood, Iowa in revival meetings.  The church is very small but I have never let the size of anything be the determining...

March 2024

March 26, 2024     Dear Pastor and friends,   “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.  Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit is no guile.”  (Psa. 32:1&2).  Though this is a...

January 2024

January 17, 2024     Dear Pastor and Church,     Hopefully, the days will soon be warmer!  It is bitter cold here and I am heading to Buffalo, New York next week!  I could be a little confused in booking my meetings...I fly from that meeting to...

November 2023

      November 29, 2023     Dear Pastor & friends,     The days of our lives get caught up in the minutiae or mayhem of just living!  By the way, by the time you get this letter you will be approaching the height of the Christmas...

October 2023

    October 25, 2023     Dear Pastors & Friends,   “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,...Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” (Luke 13:34a & 35b).  I trust all who read these words are awaiting the sound of the trumpet and voice of...

Contact Tim Green Today!

Contact Tim Green today to schedule and meeting or ask a question!