January 17, 2024



Dear Pastor and Church,



Hopefully, the days will soon be warmer!  It is bitter cold here and I am heading to Buffalo, New York next week!  I could be a little confused in booking my meetings…I fly from that meeting to Jennings, Louisiana and I trust the weather will be far better.  I will be taking part in a funeral in Jamestown, Tennessee the 21st for a beloved pastor’s wife, Brenda Allred who died unexpectantly the 11th.  She is the fourth preacher’s wife that I have preached multiple meetings for over the years that has died since Thanksgiving.  Our lives are in His hands!


I am always grateful for the help, both financially and prayerfully of all who give and give of their lives in prayer for the work God has given me to do.  In my 75th year of life I can look back and am comforted by the hand of God’s blessing along the road of life.  He has been a faithful friend and to be in His employ, greatly rewarding me with souls saved and lives impacted by His Word.  My life and yours are His to do with whatsoever He so designs.  May God keep us faithful in our individual tasks is my prayer.


I trust the days ahead will be filled with God the Father’s marvelous grace and that we will all enjoy the blessed work of the Holy Spirit in our labors for Jesus Christ.


In His will & rejoicing,



Tim Green, Evangelist