April 26, 2024



Dear Pastor & friends,


Well, another busy month is nearly behind me, I am closing out the days in Stanwood, Iowa in revival meetings.  The church is very small but I have never let the size of anything be the determining factor in where the Lord sends me to preach.  Size does matter when it comes to shoes, fish and deer!  I am just grateful that God will use someone like me in His work, winning souls, and all, I trust for His ultimate glory!


I am grateful for those that God has blessed;  to be a blessing to Sandy and me.  We are still in love with one another and she has gone to a couple meetings recently that I drive to (she doesn’t think I can stay awake on my own or find my way home…I guess!)  Sadly, she is probably right, I have never been this old before!  I sincerely praise the Lord for all of you and you are in my prayers.


I will be in Georgia and North Carolina the first couple weeks in May.  Thank God it is May, even though, our winter was pretty cushy!  The balance of the month will be filled with getting the September/October issue of the Baptist Bread to the printer and a few days of relaxing…I hope.  A preacher friend and I are, have been writing a couple books we are publishing soon and that takes lots of my time.  Your prayers are coveted and greatly appreciated.


Yours in His vineyard,



Evangelist Tim Green