October 2023

    October 25, 2023     Dear Pastors & Friends,   “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,…Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” (Luke 13:34a & 35b).  I trust all who read these words are awaiting the sound of the trumpet and...

May 2023

  May 31, 2023   Dear Pastor & friends,   I trust God’s best blessings are being experienced by you, your family and God’s people with whom you serve and worship the Lord with on a daily basis.  Paul spoke to the Philippian church and to us with...

August 2023

      August 24, 2023     Dear Pastor & friends,     The following verse has often intrigued me; “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jeremiah 8:20. I think it is often used in regard to the lost not...

July 2023

    July 29, 2023   Dear Pastor & friends,   Most of you will recall readily the story of Jesus delivering the two devil possessed Gadarenes in Matthew 8.  However, the attitude of the ‘whole city’ could be often forgotten, their cry was...

April 2023

  April 24, 2023     Dear Pastor & friends,   In the last verse of Matthew 8, “…the whole city came out to meet Jesus:..” however, they were not a welcoming committee; they were a ‘get out of town’ riotous rabble of reprobates!  Today, as...

April 2023

  April 24, 2023     Dear Pastor & friends,   In the last verse of Matthew 8, “…the whole city came out to meet Jesus:..” however, they were not a welcoming committee; they were a ‘get out of town’ riotous rabble of reprobates!  Today, as...