March 22, 2017

Dear Pastor, church & friends,
Most folk around our parts are commenting on how winter has finally arrived—In March! It truly has been a rather whacky winter but warm and wonderful in my opinion, and now Spring is here with less than stellar weather.
As many of you know I have been home since January 19 “enjoying” treatment for cancer. As of today I have just four more in my regimen of forty-five. I guess I am doing well and trust the radiation does what it can do. However, my faith is focused on what our heavenly Father can do and my confidence is in the prayers of God’s people. Thank you! I am also grateful for those of you that have helped us weather the storm financially. Every note and gracious gift was received with gratitude and warmed the hearth of our home.
Tonight I close out the first revival I’ve preached in two-and-a-half months (close by in Indiana) and it really hasn’t taxed me too much. Next week I will be preaching another four day meeting and trust God will aid and strengthen me in the endeavor. (My treatments end March 31) April blossoms into a full blown schedule and I really need your prayers that this old body can handle the travel and strain.
Thank you so much for all you do to help me do the will of God.

Your friend & God’s grateful servant,

Tim Green