June 30, 2020



Dear Pastor & friends,


Well it took me until this week to get back to an airport and fly!  By the way, it is no treat.  The only positive thing for the passenger is that there are lots of empty seats and the airport isn’t crowded!  What that says for the future of air travel is a little disconcerting.  God knows, and really, I am looking for a ‘final’ flight that will get us all out of this mess.  However, until that happens, I plan on being faithful to my call and our blessed Saviour.  As usual, it will all work out for His glory.  By the way, I spoke three times on Father’s Day for my son, Sam, in Beckley, West Virginia, then I preached at a camp meeting/Bible conference two days in north Georgia and then on the last Sunday of the month at the Bible Baptist Church of Rossville, Georgia.  The services were all blessed by the Lord, however, the limitations and considerations born of this pandemic that has girdled the globe and started in Wuhan, China has had its impact.  I know all of us have suffered with social distancing, masks, quarantines, masks, food scarcities, masks, closed businesses and masks!  May the Lord help us is my fervent prayer.


I thank all of those who have helped us meet our needs and take care of our home situations in these unprecedented and trying days.  May God bless you many times over.  Just think how it must have been for my wife having to put up with me for nearly four solid months!  She is a saint!  Don’t say it…I am the sinner, there I said it for you!



Please pray!


Yours in His business,



Tim Green