April 27, 2020



Dear Pastor & friends,


In some ways I thought I would just send an empty or blank sheet of paper out this month.  I am in serial-cancellation mode thanks to the Covid-19 plague that has invaded our land.  All meetings in March but one Sunday, April but one Sunday, and I’m not sure about May but one Sunday have been cancelled or postponed.  I also spoke at the Revival Fires Conference one morning in April.  It was strange to speak to about twenty in an auditorium that would easily seat forty times that!  However, the personal opportunities to witness to people have been numerous and very well received.  I think lost people are at a loss for what to do and of course how things will go, in this practice run or preamble to the Great Tribulation!  “…Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”


On a positive note, the dear Lord has wondrously met our needs and it has been quite an experience for me going daily to the grocery stores for a week or so, just looking for the necessities (I think you probably know what they were!).  We have been allowed to have church in Ohio, so we only missed the first Sunday, watching three separate livestream services…that ain’t church folk!  I preached a couple Sunday’s in a  Registered Historical Monument Church to a congregation of one, you guessed it, Sandy!  She finally repented and we sang songs together the second time.  The building was built in 1830 and the acoustics are grand!  The rest of the time our attendance was 20 or less in the churches we attend.


We greatly appreciate your prayers and your faithful support and help, and especially in these trying days.  Our churches, our nation and our families all need determined intercessory prayer, that God would open the doors of the churches and this blight would be off our land.  Please pray for our president and governors…they desperately need them.


Your grateful friend & His thankful servant,




Tim Green