April 29, 2017

Dear Pastor & friends,
I must confess I may have jumped back on the evangelistic trail a little prematurely after my treatments, but with no lack of enthusiasm. The last two weeks of March and all of April were filled with meetings and too much travel. Thankfully, though with some regret, I was forced to cancel a three day meeting in Alberta, Canada. It was the airlines and weather’s fault but probably added a year or two to my life! No, I wasn’t beaten up or slapped up beside the head by flight attendants! It was just logistically impossible.
I do thank our faithful supporters for the continued help and blessing you are to Sandy and me. God has been so good to us in providing folk who pray and give that I might go and served God in the design He has chosen for me. God bless you all is my prayer. Souls have been saved in recent days and I am always seeking more and real revival.
This coming month of May, I will be in Georgia, North Carolina, Florida and Iowa. Please pray for these meetings. Samuel Chadwick (1860-1932) wrote; “By the sufferings of Christ the Throne of God is the Throne of Grace where mercy and help are found.” May the Lord help us to be faithful attendees at the throne purchased at so great a price! “Pray without ceasing.”

Yours gratefully & prayerfully,

Tim Green