April 29, 2016

Dear Pastor & friends,
In Matthew 15:30-31, great multitudes came to where Jesus was and He healed them. The Word says that the ill were cast down at Jesus’ feet. I can infer from that that many in the multitude were physically well and they brought their infirmed friends and loved ones to Jesus. The last phrase in verse 31 sums up the ultimate; “…they glorified the God of Israel.” One of the crying needs of today is that the spiritually healthy would get the spiritually sick to the Saviour. Yes, it is great to know of people healed of physical impairments, but far greater to see souls saved. Invite someone to church this week or better yet, introduce them to the Saviour.
By God’s grace I made it through the rigors of travel, strange beds, different customs and new situations in April! May is just as busy, if not more so, as I will preach in Georgia, North Carolina and back to back meetings in Iowa. Please pray that souls will be saved, backsliders restored and the saints encouraged.
Thank you from the depths of my heart for your faithful support and for your prayers as Sandy is recovering from surgery and dealing with the ongoing procedures. Without you dear folk this would be seemingly impossible. As I used to pray as a child…”God is great, God is good…”

In the love of God & His grace,

Tim Green