September Twenty-Six
Two Thousand Eleven

Dear Pastor and Friends,

Thomas Chisholm wrote in 1945 the song, “I Want To Be Like Jesus”. The first stanza says:

I have one deep, sincere desire –
That I may be like Jesus.
To this I fervently aspire –
That I may be like Jesus.

What a glorious goal! To preach like He did in Matthew 23. Forgive the fallen like He did in John 8. To reach sinners like He did in John 3 and 4. To deal with wayward sinners like He did in John 21. And to live for others like He did always. May the good God of Heaven help us all to be more like Him daily.

God blessed abundantly in the two meetings this month. Both of the fine churches in which I preached revivals support our ministry monthly. It was wonderful to be with these dear, generous folks and real friends.

Thank you all for your faithful support of our home and ministry. As Sandy and I grow older… well, at least I do – I think she stopped aging some years ago- we are so much more appreciative of what God does for us through folks like you. God bless you is our earnest prayer.

I am “slammed” until Thanksgiving and praising God for keeping our itinerary as full as I possibly can handle. I really feel bad about having to refuse meetings due to conflicts in schedules. But I know God knows that I take the first confirmed date and don’t change unless it is a dire emergency. (There have only been a couple of those in the last thirty years, thank God.)

Your friend and His servant,

Tim Green