July 28, 2021


Dear Friends,


I was blessed to be a part of the belated memorial service for Bro. Robert V. (Sammy) Allen this month.  The auditorium was nearly full on the 12th and it was a great encouragement to all of us in attendance and a tremendous testimony to the life of our sainted brother in Christ.  God blessed our country greatly with men like Bro. Allen, his kind are few and far between now days.  I was honored to preach there a couple of days in the newly scheduled summer camp meeting…and then off to Iowa for another meeting.


I sincerely thank all of you that support our work with your monies and prayers.  Without which it would be more than impossible to travel, speak and seek God’s face for revival in our sad and sin-sick nation.  Without revival and I mean a real revival of burying hatchets, destroying man-made shibboleths, and seeking His face our country is doomed and under the judgment hand of Almighty God!  We are told to turn from our wicked ways and folk can’t even turn off social media, Instagram, Facebook and who knows what else the ‘techies’ will come up with to distract, defile and destroy men’s minds.  God help us!


Sandy and I are going to celebrate our 51st wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks, yes, she was only 12 when we married (plus six years!) I never imagined I would be 72, preached for 51 years and limp around like an old man!  Knee surgery in a couple of weeks too.  When we go out now it is usually to go see the doctor!  Love you all and God bless.


Your friend in the faith once delivered…



Tim Green