October 2009

October Twenty One Two Thousand Nine Dear Pastor and friends,          This past week while in a meeting in North Carolina, I read The Shadow of the Almighty by Elizabeth Elliot. Her husband, Jim, and four other missionaries were martyred in the 50’s by Aucan...

September 2009

September Twenty Two Two Thousand Nine Dear Pastor and friends, At this writing I am involved in The Old Paths Camp Meeting in Elgin, Illinois. My dear friend, Dr. Keith Gomez, is the host pastor, and God blessed mightily in the opening services. The initial services...

August 2009

August Twenty Four Two Thousand Nine Dear Pastor and friends, One old evangelist from the past used to talk about crisscrossing America in his preaching like a young boy plowing a field behind his father’s mules. I thought of that as I flew home from a meeting in...

July 2009

July Twenty Two Thousand Nine Dear Friends, Thank you much for your kind and timely support of our home and ministry. Sandy and I are grateful to God that He has touched our lives through your generosity. May His eternal blessings be yours is our prayer. Our Poor...

June 2009

June Twenty Two Two Thousand Nine Dear Pastor and friends, In Matthew 4:19, the Bible records this request and promise from the lips of our Lord, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Luke 5:11, delineates the disciples’ decision, they...

may 2009

May Twenty Five Two Thousand Nine Dear Pastor and friends, Oswald Chambers said in his book Shade of His Hand, “If a man cannot prove his religion in the valley, it is not worth anything.” A brand of Christianity that will not stand up in the midst of...