Dear Pastor & friends,

I am thankful that the ‘winter’ of April is over!  This global warming stuff is a little more than these old bones can take!  The snow, sleet and freezing rain of the month of “showers” was the coldest on record in our area and I think across the country.  Sandy thinks we are just going to skip spring and go into summer! Interesting indeed!

This month began in Arizona, threaded through Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa and I ended up yesterday in Loveland, Ohio! There were good and even a couple of great services, and revival seemed to be the order of the day in most of the meetings.  The Lord knows we surely need revival in our land, churches, homes and personal lives. The depth of our commitment may determine the interest the God of Heaven shows in our behalf.  May is also a very busy month and my journeys will take me to five more states in search of God’s blessing and souls saved.

Thank you so much for your continued help in the work the Lord has given me to do.  I am grateful for those of you that pray for me and our home daily.  Your prayers are incalculable in their blessing to us and the strength garnered from same is our hope and strength.  May God bless you much is my earnest desire.

There is a brochure included in this mailing and I hope some of you can join me, Sandy and my dear dad on Mackinac Island, September 26-28, 2018.  It is a beautiful place and the cost is very agreeable I think. The enclosed will say what needs to be said about the amenities, meals, activities and services.

Your friend & His grateful servant,


Tim Green