April Twenty One
Two Thousand Eleven

Dear Pastor and Friends,

One goal for the Christian’s life is “… to be conformed to the image of his [God’s] Son” (Rom. 8:29). There are numerous and diverse ways this is to be and will be accomplished in a child of God’s life. Some are positive and pleasing, while others are negative (from our perspective) and not enjoyable at all. However, as we are His and part of His great family our function is to accept the grand design of God in our behalf, knowing that “…all things work together for good…” for the loved and called. The inseparable bond we have as family members in Christ is the hope of everlasting life and joy!
Thank you from the depths of a grateful heart for giving so generously to our home and work. My life and labors are bound up in our Lord and you loved ones that help us. God bless you!
I have labored with a surgically repaired left “wing” these past weeks, and God has helped mightily. I never needed an arm to preach with anyway! Since the operation (three weeks ago today), I have preached in Kentucky, Illinois, Arizona, and Michigan. I close this month out in Indiana and Tennessee. Please continue to pray for my healing and faithfulness to the physical therapy! Revival and folks being saved are accompanying my faltering way – God be praised!

Your companion in grace,

Tim Green