September 24, 2015
Dear Pastor and friends,
Some people smilingly go through life assuming everything will turn out okay. Others, more savvy and cynical see nothing but gloom and doom. The ancient prophet, Isaiah, proclaimed; “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him” (Isa. 59:19b). If a nation has ever been plunged beneath a flood of iniquity, debauchery and confusion it is ours, but in spite of all, God’s standard is being raised. Rally around it my friends and look to Him.
I’ve been busy and stay that way, thanking God for His blessing on the meetings and His kind care in my behalf. I know many folk pray for me and the work God has assigned me and I am forever in your debt. Sandy and I are equally grateful for the faithful support you so generously and graciously give – God Bless You!
I am in Texas and Alaska the last two weeks in September and please pray for these important meetings.
Ever Yours in Christ,
Tim Green
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