Author: William E. Hatcher
Pages: 187 pages – Paperback
John Jasper (1812-1901) proclaimed: “O happy day! Can I ever fergit it? Dat wuz my conversion mornin’, an’ dat day de Lord sen’ me out wid de good news uv de Kingdom. Fer mo’ dan sixty years I’se been tellin’ de story. My step is gettin’ rather slow, my voice breaks down, an’ sometimes I’se awful tired, but still I’se tellin’ it. My lips shall sing de dyin’ love uv de Lam’ wid my las’ expirin’ breath!”
Born a slave, but born-again in 1839, John Jasper soon began to preach the glad news of salvation in and out of the Baptist church. Over the years, John became well-known among his own people and others outside his community. He is famous for a sermon he preached 250 times: “De Sun Do Move.” Read this biography to rekindle the fires that have grown cold in your life.
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