April Twenty Six
Two Thousand Ten
Dear Pastor and friends,
On a recent Sunday morning a young couple came down the aisle during the invitation to be saved. They were a typical American pair, tattoos, and earrings adorned their bodies. The man had the earrings, and the lady had the tattoos! They both confessed Christ as Saviour that morning, and I trust it was everlastingly real. Last week in a meeting, a young man in his thirties came to church with, yes, earrings and in his cutoff shorts! He hit the altar and was thoroughly dealt with by the pastor, and I believe he too was saved. Our nation is reeling with a life style and a way of life that is so contrary to the Bible and even common sense; however, this crowd needs the Gospel, and old time religion is the only thing I know that can change lives permanently. Our services must be punctuated and empowered by the work of the Holy Ghost. Old time conviction must be produced, or we are just talking to the choir and filling time. God help us is my prayer!
Thank you so much for your continued and faithful help to the work of God in and around the varied vineyards that He assigns to me. Without your financial aid and prayer support, I could not cris-cross this nation preaching the Bible as it is to men as they are! Sandy and I are truly grateful to God for all of you that have a part in our lives and ministry.
I am in Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee in the next few weeks. I am driving a little bit more, as our airport is no longer a hub, and it takes a long time to go to many southern stated via Detroit or Minneapolis! Poor old Delta! Pray for me driving, as I don’t do much at night due to my eyesight.
We love you all, and you are daily in my prayers.
Redemptively His & warmly yours,
Tim Green
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