October 22, 2022
Dear Pastor & friends,
There are two interesting incidents and their repercussions in regard to the hand of the Lord recorded in Acts 11:21 and 13:11. In the first case many were saved due to the Lord’s hand on His servants. In the second, however, the hand of judgment descended on a sorcerer and he was blinded. Our nation stands at a crossroads within the next two weeks. It would be wonderful if God’s hand would be upon our nation for good and not for evil. How great it would be that a revival of soul-winning and godly living would break out in the lives of God’s people, instead, of the judgment of God on the blind eyes of millions of Americans. By the way, I am not saying we deserve His blessing, just pray we could have a space of grace in these last days…
I am presently (the 26th) in an eight-day revival in two churches in central Illinois. I know many of you pray for me and these meetings. Please pray that God would send real revival and a refreshing from the shores of Glory to these services.
Thank you so very much for the thoughtful and consistent giving in support of the work God has given me to do and also for helping keep the bills paid on the home front. Sandy joins me in gratitude for the grace of giving God sends our way. May God bless you richly…
In His hands,
Tim Green, Evangelist
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