May 29, 2024


Dear Pastor & friends,


It is an interesting life on the ‘revival trail’ for over 48 years.  I have seen some real services, where it seemed the Lord’s presence was evident and exceeding in blessing the entire environment.  Other times His hand seems to be withheld, perhaps for some ‘sin in the camp’ or things not being done ‘decently and in order.’  Often His presence is felt in the quiet moving of the Holy Spirit, touching lives and changing hearts.  Oh, and not as often as I would like in recent years, a lost soul coming to Christ in true repentance and being born again for all time and eternity.  I do believe that in our day we have grieved and quenched the Holy Ghost to the point of near spiritual apostacy.  May God grant us real revival and a holy desire to please the Lord in all we do, say and think.


I am eternally grateful and Sandy joins me in our gratitude for your faithful, financial and prayerful part in our labors for our Lord.  I pray God will bless you, your ministry and all you do in advancing the work and kingdom of our great God.  May His peace be with you and yours.


In the month of June; I will be preaching in Maryland, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, back to Florida & then Michigan.  Please pray for my travels and this tired, distinguished, elderly gentleman!  Someone has called me all of those descriptive terms!  I remain…


Your friend & brother in the task at hand,



Tim Green