May 25, 2021


Dear Friends in the Faith,


Well, it was great to get back to two churches in the South that I had preached for annually, one since 1976!  I am thankful to be busy in the work of the Lord.  There have been some saved and one never really knows the impact of the preaching of God’s Word in the life of a believer that makes a positive and hopefully permanent move up the ladder of spiritual growth.  Growth is not measured by years but by obedience to Christ.  Perhaps it is not an upward movement but a humbling and a downward positioning like kneeling in reverent prayer.


A dear friend sent me a new biography of Leonard Ravenhill.  I got under conviction reading the preface and foreword!  We are so far from what God wants us to be in this nation and in our churches that it is deplorable.  We will stand before God embarrassed and ashamed over the opportunities we have missed.  One great quote among scores of them is the following; “The greatest miracle God can do is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world, make him holy, put him back into an unholy world, and keep him holy.”  Holiness is a missing link in many lives, homes and churches…God help us!  His Word says; “…Be ye holy; for I am holy” (I Peter 1:16b). 


         My heart is filled with gratitude to all who have a part and keeping Tim Green on the trail, seeking souls and trusting God for real revival.  Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated and I pray God will bless you all mightily.


Your evangelist friend,



Tim Green