January 26, 2022



Dear Pastor & friends,


I am preaching in Buffalo, New York this week…one can get the Bible to say just about anything and thus, condone anything, however, I read this partial verse in Ezekiel 18:19; “Yet say ye, Why?… and would like to ask the Lord “Why couldn’t it be the Bahamas?”  Anyway, after the month Sandy and I have endured I am thankful to be anywhere.  She came down with Covid and I became, cook (frozen dinners) (It seemed like they used to taste better years ago), dish washer, nurse and other domestic duties.  She has fully recovered except for being weak, weak, and weak.  I had to cancel the first two weeks of the year, the first week was a revival meeting and the second week was a hunting trip with my three sons.  I looked forward to the latter and was disappointed, but the boys understood, they wouldn’t even existed if it wasn’t for their mom!! Oh, and I can’t wait until February; two weeks of doctor appointments mixed in with a Sunday or two.  Life is grand when both her and I are now septuagenarians!  Look it up!  (P.S. I have been one for a couple of years)


Sandy and I both appreciate and highly regard the churches and a handful of individuals that faithfully support my evangelistic ministry across the country.  All of us have faced great difficulties and much heartache over the last two years (I have had 11 or 12 good friends, preachers and laymen that have died since Thanksgiving, most of Covid related problems.). God is and always has been faithful; to comfort and care for His children.  May God bless each of us with His all sufficient grace.


Grasped firmly in His hand,


Tim Green