January 30, 2021



Dear Friends in the Faith,



The days of great concern and diabolical machinations are upon us; and full-throated adversity and resistance from high places bodes our future.  If it were not for the Lord and His faithful people; one could fall into despair and stumble in the dregs of discouragement.  However, with all that is on our side from a spiritual and eternal perspective…we are on the winning side!  I can honestly say as the sweet Psalmist of Israel opined; “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread” (Psa. 37:25). As God’s children we have hope, stacked up on hope and we know God will provide, bless and help His own.


I believe I have just completed the busiest January of my four-plus decades on the evangelistic trail.  The first two weeks were spent in revivals in Mississippi, then to Illinois and New York.  I spoke to Christian schools, two Bible colleges and a winter conference in of all places Buffalo.  It snowed everywhere I went or it followed me everywhere I went, and even snowed when I got home this Saturday!  Thank God I go to southern Alabama next week for a mission conference.  If it snows there…anyway souls were saved along the trail and God met with us more than once in the meetings.  It is always a blessing when He shows up.


Sandy and I thank you for your help, prayers and consistent concern for our health and well-being.  So far, we have avoided the Wuhan plague and have been several places where it has raised its ugly head and hurt churches and impacted their members.  The prayer list has been growing and fluctuating daily.  God bless you all for your faithful support in our labors for the Kingdom of our dear Lord.


Your friend & brother,



Tim Green