January Twenty Five
Two Thousand Ten
Dear Pastor and friends,
I don’t believe in my six decades of life that I have ever known a more complicated, conflicted, and crushing time in the lives of many good Christians. Many of my friends and loved ones have suffered and are enduring staggering problems and heart wrenching situations in their personal lives and public ministries. Dear ones have been informed of devastating disease, deaths of mates, children, and parents, and the collapsing defeat of spiritual apostasy. I have had friends shot (while hunting), diagnosed with cancer, maladies I’ve never heard of, and heart attacks. On top of all this, we have had to stand with mouths agape, as our nation has been bludgeoned by the wickedness of the White House and our country’s deluded leaders. (Thank God, Massachusetts woke up from their half century of ignorance!) Oswald Chambers said, “I am sorry for the Christian who has not something in his circumstances he wishes was not there.” It seems to me that I wish most of what I know and have “was not there!” However, I believe God’s Book when it proclaims, “… in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37). I long for those moments when “… he [lays] his right hand upon me [and says], fear not;…” (Rev. 1:17b).
The ministry and our work for Christ goes forward apace, and I am constantly and eternally grateful for your help in these days. I trust He Who holds all of life in His hands will bless you abundantly for your care and concern for us. God bless you.
Constantly in His care,
Tim Green
P.S. Sandy was one of those who lost a parent recently, as her mother died on January 11th. I covet your prayers for her in these days.