Dear Pastor & friends,
I am writing to thank you individually and to the church you represent collectively for your faithful support to our home and ministry.
I have been on the evangelism trail for over forty years and count it a rare privilege to be involved in the most important effort on earth—the winning of souls! I believe the inspiring of God’s people to enjoy the fruits of real revival and spiritual victory—Job 1-A!!
Sadly, revival and the reaching of the lost seem to be less important than many other things in most Christian’s lives. We don’t need more stained-glass windows, but more tear-stained altars, representing the broken hearts of the truly repentant. Our steeples are pointed to the sky, but our goal should be pointing sinners to the Saviour and wayward saints back to the path of righteousness. We must be alive to the needs of the world, yet dead to its fallacious charms. We are not to flaunt its fashions, but be clothed with humility and wear with grace a pure and contrite heart. O, may God rend the heavens and send revival!
Your prayers are earnestly requested and kindly coveted for the exhaustive schedule over the next four months. Pray for physical strength and spiritual depth for this preacher. God bless each and every one of you.
His thankful servant &your grateful friend,
Tim Green
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