August 23, 2024



Dear Pastor & friends,


Well, another summer is about to morph into falling leaves, cooler temperatures and church folk, hopefully gathering back into a more settled and faithful walk with and worship of our Lord.  Summer so often gets busy with vacations (and they are necessary) and now days kids going back to school!  What is with that?  We never went back until after Labor Day and look how well we old folk turned out!!  Jeremiah wrote; “…summer is ended, and we are not saved.” (Jer. 8:20b).  I realize this statement may not speak of being saved like we think and know about, but it can be a call to get back to soul-winning, witnessing and getting the Gospel out, as folk need to be saved everywhere.  Let’s go soul-winning!


I am truly grateful to the churches and individuals that support our work for Christ.  I preached in two churches in Michigan the first of this month and have been consumed with editing and preparing two new books for publication since, hopefully getting them to the publisher for distribution by Christmas.  One is my last of four daily devotionals, …THE DAY FOLLOWING; and the other is a collaboration with another preacher entitled, THE CRUMBS WHICH FALL… Oh, and I do have to mow my lawn, pay my bills, fix this and that; all while being a good husband to Sandy, my wife now of over 54 years, as of, August 8!  The latter, I am still learning and hope to be.


May God bless you and yours in the service of the King of kings and Lord of lords!  Love and prayers always for you and yours!


Looking for the Him,


Tim Green