May Twenty Three
Two Thousand Eleven

Dear Pastor and friends,

David was fleeing from King Saul, and from the dark, damp walls of a cave rang the words of Psalms 57:1, “… in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge,…” Truly, the place of protection during the calamities of life are ‘neath Christ’s wings (see Matt. 23:37). I am glad I fled to the secure place under His wings many years ago.
Thank you so much for helping me in the work of reaching men and women with the truth of God’s amazing, saving grace. On Mother’s Day, I spoke for about the thirtieth year at White Plains Baptist Church, in Mt. Airy, North Carolina. Two mothers, among others were saved that morning. Neither lady had ever attended that church before: one had just moved from Portland, OR and the other from South Carolina. There in the mountains God brought them to Himself, from one coast to another!
I have experienced back to back cancellations the first two weeks of June. It is unprecedented in my forty plus years of preaching to incur anything like this. To me, it magnifies the importance and intensifies the appreciation of your faithful help to my home and work. God bless you much!

Your companion in grace,

Tim Green