January 22, 2020


Dear Pastor & friends,


Well, I am writing while the nattering nabobs of incivility are childishly fighting among themselves in Washington, D.C. If my sons acted like these supposed dignitaries while growing up, they would have suffered more than a ‘time out’ or an hour standing in the corner!  It is embarrassing to me, listening to these bald-faced liars spout their venomous diatribes, focused on the President of the United States.  God help our nation and thankfully He has blessed our nation with many average citizens with more common sense, decency and dignity than our so called ‘leaders’.  I also pray for our president daily and wonder, that without the prayers of God’s people…dear Lord help us!

My year closed in Loveland, Ohio with a three-day meeting; Dec. 29-31, 2019.  (No, we did not stay until midnight!) (the pastor and I are both old).  I then spent two weeks in Mississippi and had wonderful meetings in both churches.  The second week we had souls saved and baptized.  The two days between meetings I got to deer hunt two mornings and one afternoon.  I saw only one small buck and a couple of fleeing white flags.  By the way, last Sunday before church we had three bucks in our back yard!  And one, was a beautiful ten point that was limping, if I didn’t have neighbors; I would have been tempted to put him out of his misery, his rack on the wall and the rest of him in the freezer!

I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve Him in the needy field of evangelism and vital need of a revival of spiritual awakening.  I am eternally thankful to all of you that pray faithfully for Sandy and me, and so graciously support our home and my ministry.  May God richly bless you!


Yours gladly in His work,




Tim Green